29 Pichuun Udonge

■The story behind of Pichuun Gensokyo■ Moon rabbits can communicate remotely with their friends. If that is the case, why did my master place me in this house?Did he not think that I would tell the Moon City where they were?I once boldly asked my master. I know when I see that you have notContinue reading “29 Pichuun Udonge”

28 Pichuun Doremy

■The story behind of Pichuun Gensokyo■ There is a monster that eats dreams.Do you think dreams are no big deal?You are mistaken. She is considered a scary dream-eating demon, but her nature is not such a game.She chooses the dreams she does not eat. What she eats are dreams that are bad for her.What remainsContinue reading “28 Pichuun Doremy”

27 Pichuun Letty

■The story behind of Pichuun Gensokyo■ The Snow Maiden is constantly deprived of her power just by being by the side of the Spring Fairy.Yet she wished that the Snow Maiden was next to the Fairy of Spring.The Snow Maiden accumulated the power of winter within herself, layer upon layer.She has become a hard, hardContinue reading “27 Pichuun Letty”

026 Pichuun Marisa

■The story behind of Pichuun Gensokyo■ The first time I flew on a broom, I told my parents about it and they broke every broom in the house.I was stunned at the time because I didn’t know what it meant, but I know now. They were trying to protect me. Only “humans” are allowed toContinue reading “026 Pichuun Marisa”

025 Pichuun Flandre

■The story behind of Pichuun Gensokyo■ The vampire girl living in the basement sensed something was wrong.The mansion was making a lot of noise. When she went to check on her, she found that the fairies were playing house.It seems that the owner of the mansion, her perfect sister, has invited fairies into the mansion.TheContinue reading “025 Pichuun Flandre”

024 Pichuun Wakasagihime

■The story behind of Pichuun Gensokyo■ The people of a fishing village were in trouble.They were told by a sea monster to offer 100 fish every day.A gentle mermaid saw this and said to the people of the fishing village, “Please move into my palm. There the sea monsters will not be able to touchContinue reading “024 Pichuun Wakasagihime”

023 Pichuun Tokiko

■The story behind of Pichuun Gensokyo■ The owner of the Forest Tool Shop is known for his unsociability.For him, running a tool shop is a hobby. He simply disposes of unwanted collectibles. If it doesn’t sell, I don’t care if it doesn’t sell.If it sells, he picks it up again. He picked up a largeContinue reading “023 Pichuun Tokiko”

022 Pichuun Maid fairy 3

■The story behind of Pichuun Gensokyo■ Sakuya, who calls herself the cosy head maid, is not a highly skilled “maid. She was taught how to behave as a maid by the fairy maids. I once rock-climbed on the wall of the mansion and fell on top of Remilia.She once crushed a garlic clove between theContinue reading “022 Pichuun Maid fairy 3”

021Pichuun Maid fairy 2

■The story behind of Pichuun Gensokyo■ She sits in the same seat in the garden all day long.That seat with a clear view of the visitors at the gate.Is she waiting for someone to come? She’s probably one of us.She must be a new fairy maid.But she seems to be missing a feather. Oh, dear!Continue reading “021Pichuun Maid fairy 2”

020 Pichuun Maid fairy 1

■The story behind of Pichuun Gensokyo■ As soon as they get tired of it, they quit.That’s how fairies are. They don’t try, they don’t strive.They don’t even bind themselves with a “name.They are infinitely free. It seems that such fairies spend their time as “maids” in the red mansion.A tengu reporter was interested in thisContinue reading “020 Pichuun Maid fairy 1”

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